Category: Uncategorized

  • march 10

    Kia ora. This post will wrap things up. We’re currently in Kaikoura and tomorrow will head back to Christchurch to fly out on the 13th for the long journey home. This has been an exceptionally enjoyable journey and we’re not taking it for granted. We feel so fortunate to be able to travel so far…

  • February 28

    I know, it’s been awhile and if you’re not following us on social media, you may think we’ve walked off of a cliff! Not the case. I’ve either been too lazy or too tired to write anything at the end of the day. I’m going to report on our trip around the south part of…

  • February 14

    We’re winding up our 10 days in Christchurch, and it’s been nice to not have to pack up and hit the road each morning. The house we’re renting is in a quiet neighborhood, and we can walk (about 1 mile) to restaurants. And we can save a few bucks by eating in. Going to the…

  • February 5

    This is our last night in Sydney. Yesterday we walked five miles and traveled on a ferry to visit some of the outlying areas of Sydney. Today we walked another three miles. Visiting a city has its challenges. Yesterday we took an Uber to the Opera House as it was too far to walk. It…

  • February 1

    In Forster, they have Ocean Baths, which is a swimming pool fed by ocean water. I loved it, because it was easy to get in and out, with a convenient ramp. As we’ve traveled further down the coast, the Pacific is getting colder. On our drive from Forster to Gosford, we discovered what I think…

  • January 27

    Just in case you all have not realized, we’re a day ahead. It’s Monday and 10AM, while in NY it’s Sunday and 7PM. I have a world clock on my phone so I can keep track and not call someone in the middle of the night. We’re about 1/2 way along our trip down the…

  • January 22

    When we left Townsville driving to Airlie Beach we sometimes forgot we were in Australia. This was rural, farm country much like at home except for some trees and road signs that look different. We saw many banana farms and each bunch of bananas had a bag tied over it. I looked it up and…

  • January 19

    The last three days we’ve stayed in Trinity Beach a bit north of Cairns (pronounced Cans). It’s a cool beach town right on the Pacific ocean where you can walk to dinner after a tiring day of exploring. It’s been long days starting at 6AM, which included: rides in trains, an all-terrain vehicle, boats, buses,…

  • January 15

    We’ve had a great walking tour of Christchurch. I’d say we clocked about 10 miles in all. When we arrived on Saturday after that long flight from LA to Christchurch, we elected to follow the advice to keep going rather than sleep (which is what we really wanted to do). We found a brewpub that…

  • january 12

    We left home on Wednesday 1/8, 7 AM and STOP!!! “Linda, people do not want to hear an hour by hour itinerary of your travels.” Okay then, we’re here in Christchurch, on the south island of New Zealand. We postponed a day of our life, but we’ll get it back in March when we return…